One of the most challenging chronic pain conditions that we treat at Kentucky Pain Institute and Spurlock Chiropractic Centre in Morehead, Kentucky is migraine headaches. This is a condition that comes on with little to no warning – some people experience an aura of flashing lights or spots – and can last from several hours to several days. Nausea and dizziness also frequently occur during a migraine headache. During the duration of a migration headache, many people will stay in a darkened room to try to get some relief. Whatever your side effects, suffering through a migraine is really difficult. Migraine headaches are debilitating and stop many people from making plans for fear that they will have a migraine and many people lose out on work days. While it is common to feel hopeless about this condition, we encourage people to check out the migraine treatments that are now available. We are successfully treating many patients and helping them to get control of their lives back. And with our migraine treatments, this is what we want for you.
A migraine headache remains somewhat of a medical mystery but researchers are learning more about them than used to be known. There are some indications that a change in hormone levels can cause a migraine headache. Stress, problematic in a variety of medical conditions, is known to be a headache trigger, along with bright lights and certain odors. Medications, too little or too much sleep and certain foods and food additives can cause migraine headaches. Even when avoiding these triggering conditions, some headache patients will still have these painful, lengthy headaches and come to our clinic for migraine treatment. The headache patients at Kentucky Pain Institute and Spurlock Chiropractic Centre benefit from our specialty understanding of headaches and headache treatments.
Our patients are grateful for our convenient northeastern Kentucky location that serves patients throughout the region surrounding Morehead. At Kentucky Pain Institute and Spurlock Chiropractic Centre, we are unique: we use an integrated approach to migraine treatment with both medical doctors and chiropractors on staff to assess your migraine condition. We will listen to you about your experience with migraines and recommend a course of action that we believe will bring you the most relief.
For many patients, the chiropractic migraine treatment is most effective. Our experienced chiropractic doctors will begin with an exam and discuss the details of your headaches. Your chiropractor will look at your skeletal and muscle structure and body movement. Chiropractic adjustments bring many migraine patients the relief they are seeking. A personalized migraine treatment plan will be developed, helping you to return to a less migraine-prone lifestyle.
For other patients, the medical migraine treatment is more successful. Our medical doctors are specialized in pain management and their prescriptive skills are second-to-none. There are medications available today that are working successfully for many people with migraine headaches. Along with medications to diminish pain, many patients will be prescribed a beta blocker and/or antihistamine to deal with some of the symptoms. All of this is done responsibly under the watchful care of our doctors. It is far too easy for people to find dangerous pain killers that will quickly lead to abuse and addiction. At Kentucky Pain Institute, we are committed to responsibly dispensing appropriate medication for a confirmed diagnosis that will return you to your healthy lifestyle, not a life of addiction. Don’t wait for that next painful migraine to happen. Give us a call at (606) 784-1115 or Toll-Free at (800) 318-4444 to learn more about us.
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