Back pain is all-encompassing: when your back hurts, it takes over your life and it is challenging to do much of anything. Worse than that, once people have decided to undergo surgery and their results do not bring them the relief they had hoped for, it is hard to feel anything but painful discouragement. If you have had this unfortunate experience and are searching for treatment for failed back surgery, look no further than the Kentucky Pain Institute and Spurlock Chiropractic Centre in Morehead, Kentucky where people have been successfully treated for post-spine surgery syndrome, most typically after laminectomy surgery. This condition, referred to as failed back syndrome, can be successfully treated and our professional staff at our facilities in Morehead have developed an excellent reputation for remedying this condition.
Sometimes people need treatment for failed back surgery because post-surgery they continue to experience bone or soft tissue pressure on their spinal nerves or post-surgical scar tissue may develop. For others, their spinal joints can be irritated and become inflamed. Rather than presume that this is something about which nothing can be done, our patients come in to learn about treatment for their failed back surgery and reduction of their pain. When you come to see us at the Kentucky Pain Institute and Spurlock Chiropractic Centre, we will take time to listen to you. We understand the misery of back pain, particularly heightened when you have had surgery that did not bring the relief you had been expecting. Having an accurate diagnosis is critical and we will deliver this.
Our patients are grateful to have the resources of our practice available in the Morehead region, eliminating the problems of having to travel many miles to an unfamiliar location for pain diagnosis and management. We are dedicated to providing excellent care, close to home, and our patients know how important this is.
There is a variety of approaches when treating for failed back surgery, including:
These are all treatments that are available at our facilities with our well-experienced professional medical staff. When you visit our practice, we will help you to understand what is causing your pain and help to determine a path forward. Depending upon our diagnosis of the source of pain, we will recommend and explain the appropriate treatment for your failed back surgery. You will find that our diagnostic tools will provide the right path forward, leading you to less pain and relief from the stress that pain brings to your life. As you regain your ability to manage the typical activities of daily living, you will feel more in control of your life and your future.
At Kentucky Pain Institute and Spurlock Chiropractic Centre, we are well aware of the widespread abuse of medications, often triggered by failed pain management. Some of the addiction problems that surround us are a result of real pain where a patient has been inappropriately treated with addictive medication, resulting in a downward spiral of substance abuse. The experienced providers at our facility are specialized in treating pain, including treatment for failed back surgery, with a range of approaches, while remaining totally sensitive to not replacing pain with drug addiction.
Do not lose hope if you have had back surgery and are still in pain. Call us today at (606)784-1115 or Toll Free at (800)318-4444 and set up an appointment. Successful treatment for failed back surgery is only a phone call away.
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